Nice People Having Outrageous Sex

Latest Release




Tamra (Familiar Training Academy 1)
An Urban Fantasy Romantic Comedy

Jonathan comes from a long line of sorcerers, and all his ancestors attended the Familiar Training Academy, where they were paired with shapeshifters. All seems fine for Jonathan until he discovers his familiar is a woman who can shift into a snake. And he’s supposed to bond with her?

Tamra is excited she’s getting another chance to serve as a familiar, especially because she’ll get to mate with her new master as part of their bond. Unfortunately Tamra just can’t follow rules. Any rules. Ever. When her rebellious nature conjures up evil from the school’s past, she and Jonathan have to jump in to reverse the disaster her impetuous nature’s caused this time.


I've been around for decades and have now recreated myself as Alice Gene. I write in several romance subgenres, always with sensuous stories. I hope you enjoy Tamra and Jonathan's adventures as much as I did writing them.

I live in a tiny apartment in Oakland's Chinatown. I love reptiles, my church, and Tower or Power, not necessarily in that order. I love to hear from readers, so if you feel so inclined, you can reach out via my contact form here on the site.

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