Awesome review for Hungry Spirits by Alice Duncan

In the intrest of full-disclosure, I have to tell you that Alice Duncan is a good friend of mine.  I've read her books, so I can tell you with all honesty and objectivity that Alice rawks!

She just got this awesome review from Booklist for her latest Daisy Majesty book.  I've read and loved Daisy, and you will, too, if you give this series a try.  Get a Daisy book.  You'll be glad you did!

Booklist Review. (May 1, 2010)

This title will publish in June 2010

Advanced Review – Uncorrected Proof Issue: May 1, 2010

Hungry Spirits. Duncan, Alice (Author) Jun 2010. 256 p. Five Star, hardcover, $25.95. (9781594149122) .

This enjoyable series deserves to be much better known. It takes place in Pasadena at the beginning in the early 1920s. WWI has had an immense impact on the Gumm-Majesty family. Billy Majesty returned from the war with wounds related to being both shot and exposed to mustard gas. As a result, he cannot walk or work and has become addicted to morphine. Daisy, his wife, supports the family working as a spiritualist. Billy doesn’t approve, but Daisy and the Gumm family are much more pragmatic. In this adventure, Daisy is asked to teach a cooking class for disadvantaged immigrant ladies at the Salvation Army. That sounds innocent enough, but Daisy can’t cook. She manages to stay one step ahead of the class, but she lands right in the middle of an anarchist plot, forcing her to turn sleuth and, along the way, confront her prejudices against Germans, whom she blames for her husband’s disability. Daisy’s upbeat attitude in the face of serious problems gives her great appeal, as does Duncan’s grasp of the period. Recommend Daisy to fans of Jacqueline Winspear’s Maisie Dobbs. — Judy Coon


This'll be a new drive-by, but I have to share


My cover for Miss Foster's Folly